How to Give Your Pet Nutrition on a Budget

According to a video interview with Dr. Karen Becker, a professional veterinarian and author of “The Forever Dog,” You can give your pet nutrition on a budget.

Specialized dog foods are expensive, with some not living up to the promises of better nutrition. So instead, feed your pet the same as your family to upgrade nutrition while saving money.

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Dr. Karen Becker shares tips on adding human foods to your dog’s dry food. After chopping ends of asparagus, broccoli, and other vegetables, mix the bits into your dogs’ dry food. Bruised apple bits or other bruised and dented fruits can also be added. Eggs are good because of their amino acids.

Additionally, dogs can safely have plain herbal tea for better pet nutrition. After it cools, mix it with dry food. Dr. Becker states that growing your own broccoli sprouts for your dog is much more nutritious than adult stalks. Herbs are good as well. For instance, turmeric is suitable for a dog with inflammation.

She further states that foods like onions, chives, leeks, raisins, grapes, shallots, and chocolate are not suitable for your dog and should be avoided altogether.


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